Far-Infrared Fertilizing Active Clod, FIFAC
The global trend now is to upgrade agriculture, aquaculture and livestock inductries for stably increaing food supply and effectively recycling excrement treatment. WILL WILL WAY LTD. has rolled out a new far-infrared mineral material called FIFAC, to assist our customers to complete the upgrade in a best way. FIFAC, abbreviated from "Far-Infrared Fertilizing Active Clod", could be shown various forms with scores of demands. Please see more information below about FIFAC(I), FIFAC(II) and FIFAC powder.
FIFAC Element:
Silicon dioxide
Aluminum oxide
Ferric oxide
Potassium oxide
Mineral and so on
FIFAC Mechanism:
After excavating and gathering various soil elements along vertical section of ground in many countries, a high-temperature calcine process was performed for blending until cooling down to form FIFAC.
FIFAC can liberates far-infrared (i.e. growth ray) to benefit human being.
FIFAC can decompose organic wastes for further eco-friendly reuses.
FIFAC Property:
Porosity favors moisture maintenance to develop propagation environments for probiotics.
FIFAC attaches long-acting 3~15 µm far-infrared (growth ray) with 240,000,000 Hz shock wave to consecutively liberates anion.
pH 7.0~8.0, Density: 0.5~0.7 g/cm³, Specific Surface Area: 50~60 m²/g
High-frequency shockwave from FIFAC decomposes toxic substances, foul smells and bio-wastes in water and soil
FIFAC can kill anaerobic bacteria.
Since the inexpensive cost investment, FIFAC is the best material of environment improvement for soil, water (unboiled and drinking ones), moreover, increases the productivities of agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry etc.
Aquaculture: Water Self-Cleaning (EX: Ponds for shrimp, fish and so on)
Removing toxic substance (Nitrite etc.) and bad-smell source (Amonia, hydrogen sulfide etc.) after absorption effect
Activating the water of pond and simultaneously increasing the oxgen amount.
Stablizing the residues of excremnets or feeds to balance the water quality.

FIFAC (I) can improve water to limpid quality, raise oxygen content, decompose stink and poisonous substances in mud, and stabilize residual feeding stuffs, excrements from fish and shrimp. Hence, it is not necessary to put pharmaceutical antibiotics to keep the nature balance of microorganism in water.
Product Model: W1201
Brick form for water self-cleaning
Grain form for producing 100% organic fertilizer (Agriculture 4.0)

FIFAC (II) is the key material basis for producing 100% organic fertilizer or the so-called soil improving agent. Users could collect some organic waste to go with FIFAC (II) through our SOP fermenting processes to produce the organic fertilizer by themselves. Thoes collectable organic waste includes chicken feather, livestock excrement, leftover and so on. It means that we could produce 100% organic fertilizer by ourselves and solve the undesirable waste by a novel and eco-friendly method.
Product Model: W1202
Agriculture: 100% Organic Fertilizer Production
Reducing dense degree of soil to form nice propagation beds for probiotics
Decomposing toxic substances inside soil to trigger molecularization of nutrients and water content for speeding up absorption capability of crops
Improving acidification, hardening or salinization of soil for recovering ground vitality
Toxic pestcides being not necessary (This is because that the ultra-high-frequency of shock wave from FIFAC (II) could break the protein structure of pest eggs, most of pests don't have enough nutrition to grow after hatching.)
Increasing the size if vegetables, fruits and so on (In the other words, better economic value!)

100 % Organic Fertilizer (Soil Improving Agent)
Chicken feather
Chicken excrement
Wood flour
Product Model: W1204
Organic Waste Recycling Industry
The most effective way to treat livestock excrements
The best way to take advantage of chicken feather
FRUITFUL RESULT Planted with the 100 % organic fertilizer made of FIFAC (II)

Dry-Type Raising
FIFAC (II) is also the additive for livestock feed additive. For example, after chiken eat feeds mixed with this powder, their digesting system will be significantly improved. People would easily discover something form their chicken that the excrement smell gets lighter and meat amount gets heavier. Lighter excrement smells means that the envorpment of coop becomes better, furthermore, heavier chicken means that the profit increases larger. Another form of FIFAC powder (W120302) plays an innovative role as the basis material for dry-type raising technique. Putting this powder on the ground of space where animal stays, people could feel that the bad smell gets improved. This is because this powder could decompose the sources of odour from excrements on the ground to make a cleaner in-door space for animal. It is also worth mentioning that the combination of excrement and the powder on the ground would be the basis material for producing organic fertilizer!

Advantage of Dry-Type Raisingg of Pigs
Removing undesirable odour
FIFAC (II) would decompose the bad-smell elements liberating from pig excrements → Improving the undesirable odour
<NOTE> A pig would averagelly excrete 3.5 kg/day! -
Saving water for washing pig
Improved environment for pig raising → Decreasing the water flushing for pig
<NOTE> Before you implement dry-type rasing, excrements from a pig should be washed away by flushing water of 6 kg/day averagelly! -
Being possible to produce organic fertilizer
Feed additive for livestock
FIFAC Powder

FIFAC Powder is the 20-mesh powder additive for livestock feed additive. For example, after chiken eat feeds mixed with this powder, their digesting system will be significantly improved. People would easily discover something form their chicken that the excrement smell gets lighter and meat amount gets heavier. Lighter excrement smells means that the envorpment of coop becomes better, furthermore, heavier chicken means that the profit increases larger.
Product Model: W1203
Chicken Raising Industry
Improving chicken digesting system
Healing chicken diarrhea → Increasing survival rate
Reducing the bad smell from chicken
Increaing chicken weight (25% havier, a record of maximum) → Increasing economic value
Strenthening eggshell (Egg-broken rate will decrease from 10 % to 2 % averagelly!)